OZSW ReMa Winter School 2014: 11-13 December

EUR-logo_rechthoekThe Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW) and the Erasmus University Rotterdam invite ReMa students to save the dates 11-13 December 2014 in their calendar for the 2014 OZSW Rema Winter School.

This year’s theme is as follows:

Values and Knowledge: Exploring the Ethics and Methods of Social Science
The social sciences face several unique challenges: they deal with individual and collective human behaviour, there is little by way of laws and regularity to guide their inquiry, and collecting and judging evidence is fraught with difficulties and ethical commitments. At the same time, the social sciences have made some progress and comprise an ever-changing mixture of methods and theories. Their practical relevance can also hardly be underestimated: policy-makers increasingly like to claim that they rely on social scientific findings to guide their decisions. What can we say about these aspects of social science from a philosophical perspective?
In the OZSW Winterschool 2014, hosted by the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) and the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, we will explore these questions from a variety of philosophical viewpoints. The local Research Master and PhD students, as well as the teaching faculty, are looking forward to welcoming you in Rotterdam in December.
We will be in touch after the summer with a more detailed programme and announcements. Please do not hesitate to contact us with thoughts, ideas, and questions.
See you in Rotterdam in December!
Dr. Conrad Heilmann, Email: heilmann@fwb.eur.nl
Coordinator of the Research Master in Philosophy and Economics
Co-Director at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE)


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