2014 OZSW ReMa Winter School

EUR-logo_rechthoekThe Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW) and the Erasmus University Rotterdam invite ReMa students in philosophy to register for the 2014 OZSW ReMa Winter School, to take place from 11-13 December 2014.

Organizing university

Erasmus University Rotterdam


11-13 December 2014


The OZSW Winterschool 2014, is hosted by the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) and the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Type of activity

3-day ReMa winter school

Type of activity

2 EC

Primary target group

ReMa students in philosophy

If places available, also open to

PhD students

Application/registration deadline

Registration is extended and still open untill December 6th, 2014.

About the topic

Philosophy, Policy, and Social Science
How can philosophy contribute to public policy and the social sciences?
The social sciences face several unique challenges: they deal with individual and collective human behaviour, there is little by way of laws and regularity to guide their inquiry, and collecting and judging evidence is fraught with difficulties and ethical commitments. At the same time, policy-makers increasingly like to claim that they rely on social scientific findings to guide their decisions. What can we say about these aspects of public policy and social science from a philosophical perspective?


Thursday, December 11, 2014 (all sessions in M2-12)

13.30    Registration and Coffee

14.00    Welcome and Overview of the Programme: Philosophy, Policy, and Social Science (Constanze Binder and Conrad Heilmann)

14.30    Invited Lecture: Models of Evidence for Policy-Making I (Attilia Ruzzene)

15.30    Coffee Break

16.00    Invited Lecture: Models of Evidence for Policy-Making II (Attilia Ruzzene)

17.15    Short Break

17.30    Opinion Pieces in Philosophy and Public Policy (Graduate Students from Rotterdam)

18.30    Drinks (Erasmus Paviljoen / De Smitse)


Friday, December 12, 2014 (sessions in M2-12, afternoon sessions in M2-12, M3-04, M3-03)

10.00    Writing for Policy as a Philosopher (Constanze Binder and Conrad Heilmann)

10.30    Invited Lecture: Moral Emotions and Risk Policy I (Sabine Roeser)

11.30    Coffee Break

11.45    Invited Lecture: Moral Emotions and Risk Policy II (Sabine Roeser)

13.00    Lunch

14.00    Small Group Workshops (facilitated by EIPE PhD students):

  • A Basic Income for all? – Sine Bagatur and Willem van der Deijl
  • Influencing the Behaviour of Individuals – Osman C. Dede and James Grayot
  • The Relevance of Philosophy for Social Science and Policy – Melissa Vergara Fernandez

16.15    Philosophy for non-Philosophers (Daan Roovers, Editor-in-Chief, Filosofie Magazine)

17.15    Opinion Piece Writing

19.30    Dinner (Bazar)


Saturday, December 13, 2014 (all sessions in T3-20)

10.00    Invited Lecture: Reconstructing Public Policy I (Marc Pauly)

11.15    Short Break

11.30    Invited Lecture: Reconstructing Public Policy II (Marc Pauly)

12.30    Lunch Break, with Presentations of Op-Eds by Students

13.30    Farewells

Key note speakers

– Marc Pauly (Groningen)
– Sabine Roeser (Delft)
– Attilia Ruzzene (Rotterdam)

Young researchers and PhD student provide training:
– Policy and Op-Ed writing for philosophy students
– Intensive seminars in small groups


Required preparations

Abstracts  of  the  Invited  Speaker  Sessions :

Invited  Lecture:  Models  of  evidence  for  policy-­‐making:  deconstructing  hierarchies  (Attilia  Ruzzene)  

How  shall  we  model  a  pluralistic  view  of  evidence  when  the  goal  of  science  is  policy  making?  In  this  class  we  will  try  to  address  this  question  by:  i)  introducing  epistemic  causal  pluralism;  ii)  discussing  the  hierarchical  model  of  evidence  popularized  by  EBM  (evidence-­‐based  medicine)  iii)  sketching  an  alternative  model  where  evidence  is  integrated  rather  than  ranked.

Background  Readings  

• Russo,  F.  and  J.  Williamson  (2007)  “Interpreting  causality  in  the  health  sciences”.  International  Studies  in  the  Philosophy  of  Science  21,  157-­‐170.

• Ruzzene,  A.  (forthcoming)  “Policy  making  in  developing  countries:  from  prediction  to  planning”,  Journal  of  Economic  Methodology,  forthcoming.

• Stegenga,  J.  (2014)  “Down  with  the  hierarchies”,  Topoi  33,  313-­‐322.

Invited  Lecture:  Moral  Emotions  and  Risk  Policy  (Sabine  Roeser)  

In  decision  making  about  risks,  emotions  are  usually  seen  as  irrational  states  that  should  either  be  banned  from  risk  policy,  or  at  most  be  acknowledged  as  an  unfortunate  fact  that  we  have  to  deal  with  for  democratic  or  instrumental  reasons.  In  my  work  I  argue  that  this  is  based  on  a  too  narrow  understanding  of  emotions.  Instead,  I  argue  that  emotions  can  be  a  key  to  understanding  moral  aspects  of  risk  that  should  be  explicitly  addressed  in  risk  policy.

Background  Readings  

• Hansson,  S.O.  (2012)  A  Panorama  of  the  Philosophy  of  Risk.  In:  S.  Roeser,  R.  Hillerbrand,  P.  Sandin,  M.  Peterson  (eds.),  Handbook  of  Risk  Theory,  Springer.

• Slovic,  P.  (1999)  “Trust,  Emotion,  Sex,  Politics,  and  Science:  Surveying  the  Risk-­‐Assessment  Battlefield”,  Risk  Analysis,  19(4).

• Roeser,  S  (2012)  Moral  Emotions  as  Guide  to  Acceptable  Risk.  In:  S.  Roeser,  R.  Hillerbrand,  P.  Sandin,  M.  Peterson  (eds.),  Handbook  of  Risk  Theory,  Springer.

Invited  Lecture:  Reconstructing  Public  Policy  (Marc  Pauly)

Public  policy  aims  to  describe  and  change  the  world  around  us.  We  will  discuss  tools  to  analyze  both  of  these  aspects:  For  the  descriptive  aspect,  we  will  discuss  a  philosophical  framework  for  ontology  analysis,  for  the  dynamic  aspect  we  will  look  at  applications  of  game  theory  and  social  choice  theory.

Background  Readings  

• Parikh,  R.  and  M.  Pauly  (2012)  “What  is  Social  Software?”  In:  Games,  Actions,  and  Social  Software:  Multidisciplinary  Aspects,  J.  van  Eijck  and  R.  Verbrugge,  editors,  Springer,  2012,


• Pauly,  M.  (2005)  “Changing  the  Rules  of  Play”,  Topoi  24(2),  209-­‐220.

Certificate / credit points

2 EC


Initially only ReMa student members of the OZSW can participate in this winter school. In case there are spaces left, PhD student members of the OZSW may participate as well. Philosophy students or non OZSW PhD or ReMa students who want to participate need to send an email to Dr. Conrad Heilmann (heilmann@fwb.eur.nl) with a statement from their supervisor about their excellence and the relation between this course and their studies (max 10 lines).

The costs will be 30 euro/student if you need accomodation and 10 euro/student of you don’t need accomodation.

Location / accommodation details

During the winter school non-local students will be housed in the StayOkay hostel in Rotterdam. The costs of accommodation are included in the registration fee of 30 euro. Students will share a room with 3-5 other students.

How to apply / register

Registration is now open and closes December 6th, 2014. Please fill out the registration form: 2014 OZSW ReMa winter school.

Registration/application form



Dr. Conrad Heilmann (heilmann@fwb.eur.nl)

Coordinator of the Research Master in Philosophy and Economics
Co-Director at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE)

Contact info

For questions on the contents of this course, please contact the coordinator at the following e-mail address: heilmann@fwb.eur.nl.

For practical inquiries, please contact secretariaat@ozsw.nl.