Academic Philosophy Events in the Netherlands

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JUST KNOWLEDGE: Workshop on Miranda Fricker’s book “Epistemic Injustice”

Tilburg University, Dante Building, Room DZ 4 ,

Traditional theories of social justice focus on the distribution of goods and resources and the institutional framework determining this distribution. In her groundbreaking book “Epistemic Injustice. Power & The Ethics of Knowing” (OUP 2009), Miranda Fricker (Sheffield) argues that such theories suffer from a characteristic blind spot: they overlook the fact that there are some … Continue reading JUST KNOWLEDGE: Workshop on Miranda Fricker’s book “Epistemic Injustice”

Public Lecture by Miranda Fricker on “Explaining Forgiveness”

Tilburg University, Dante Building, Room Room DZ 7 ,

Department of Philosophy, Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS), Tilburg University, The Netherlands December 9, 10h-18 (workshop) Dante Building, Room DZ 4 and December 10, 11.00h (public lecture) Dante Building, Room DZ 7 Keynote Speaker: Miranda Fricker (Sheffield University) Commentators: Boudewijn de Bruin (University of Groningen) Kathryn Brown (Tilburg University) … Continue reading Public Lecture by Miranda Fricker on “Explaining Forgiveness”

Meeting OZSW study group Aesthethics / Philosophy of Arts in Tilburg

Tilburg University, Cobbenhagengebouw, zaal C 186, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands, Tilburg, North Brabant, The Netherlands

Op deze bijeenkomst bespreken we vier teksten van deelnemers, en een klassieke tekst. Voor dat laatste stelt onze gastheer, Frans van Peperstraten de volgende selectie uit Aristoteles' Poetica voor: - paragraaf 1 t/m 18, dat is in de oorspronkelijke paginering 1447 a 8 t/m 1456 a 32. - Men kan gebruik maken van twee verschillende … Continue reading Meeting OZSW study group Aesthethics / Philosophy of Arts in Tilburg

Dag van de Filosofie

De NWE Vorst, Tilburg Tilburg

De eerstvolgende editie van de 'Dag van de Filosofie' zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 18 april 2015 in theater De NWE Vorst in Tilburg en zal aansluiten bij het thema van de Maand van de Filosofie 2015: Ongelijkheid. De dag wordt om 12.45 uur officieel geopend door Wim Drees, hoogleraar Filosofie en decaan van de Faculteit … Continue reading Dag van de Filosofie

Conference Objectivity in Science

Unnamed Venue Tilburg

he 8th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg (MuST) Conference in Philosophy of Science will be held at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, on 10-12 June 2015.  The topic of this edition of the MuST conference is *Objectivity in Science*.  The conference will feature four plenary talks, and over 30 contributed papers. The plenary talks will be given by: - Martin … Continue reading Conference Objectivity in Science

Conference: What is it to be human? On the humanities and practical self-understanding

Hotel Mitland, Utrecht, The Netherlands Utrecht, The Netherlands, Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Keynote speakers: Denis Noble (Oxford University) (to be confirmed), Onora O’Neill (Cambridge University), Helen Small (Oxford University)   The future of the humanities is regularly questioned. What should the place and function of the humanities be within the university and in the world outside the university? What distinguishes them from the social sciences and the … Continue reading Conference: What is it to be human? On the humanities and practical self-understanding

Heather Douglas: “Science, Values and Democracy”

Tilburg University Tilburg

René Descartes Lectures 2016, Tilburg University Heather Douglas: "Science, Values and Democracy" The 5th René Descartes Lectures will be held by Heather Douglas (Waterloo) at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, on 5-7 September 2016. The topic of Professor Douglas's lectures is "Science, Values and Democracy".  LECTURE I: Science and Values: The Pervasive Entanglement LECTURE II: Science … Continue reading Heather Douglas: “Science, Values and Democracy”

(Summer School Course) The Possibility of Realizing Gender Justice?

Tilburg University Tilburg

In cooperation with the 9th Tilburg University Summer School (TUSS), we are proud to present our (new) summer course: “The Possibility of Realizing Gender Justice?” The course will take place from 17th of July to 28th of July and will deal with the opportunities and challenges in addressing conflict-related sexual violence and human trafficking. Applicants … Continue reading (Summer School Course) The Possibility of Realizing Gender Justice?

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About the OZSW event calendar

The OZSW event calendar lists academic philosophy events organized by/at Dutch universities, and is offered by the OZSW as a service to the research community. Please check the event in question – through their website or organizer – to find out if you could participate and whether registration is required. Obviously we carry no responsibility for non-OZSW events.