Academic Philosophy Events in the Netherlands

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Why diversify Philosophy

Aula Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam

De rector magnificus van de Vrije Universiteit en de decaan van de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen nodigen u van harte uit tot het bijwonen van de openbare zitting van het College van Decanen, waarin mevrouw dr. M.A. Kirloskar-Steinbach benoemd vanwege de Stichting Bijzondere Leerstoelen VU tot bijzonder hoogleraar Actuele Themas, haar ambt hoopt te aanvaarden met … Continue reading Why diversify Philosophy

PhD defence “Morals for the Mighty: Political legitimacy as impact on sustainable development”

Aula Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam

We are governed. Every day. All the time. Our food, our clothes, our transportation, our houses, our families, our jobs … There is scarcely any aspect of life that modern states do not regulate or influence in one way or another. State power is pervasive. Moreover, it is non-voluntary and expensive. The big question is: … Continue reading PhD defence “Morals for the Mighty: Political legitimacy as impact on sustainable development”

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About the OZSW event calendar

The OZSW event calendar lists academic philosophy events organized by/at Dutch universities, and is offered by the OZSW as a service to the research community. Please check the event in question – through their website or organizer – to find out if you could participate and whether registration is required. Obviously we carry no responsibility for non-OZSW events.