Study group Peer-review Circle Practical Philosophy

To register for this group, please contact the study group coordinator through the e-mail below.


  • Emi Visser (VU, )

Topic & aim

The goal of the circle is to bring together PhD and (Re)Ma students to discuss their work. The circle provides a platform to present early­ stage research that is not yet ready for presentation in colloquia. Current members of the circle mostly work in the fields of bio­ethics, moral responsibility, normative economics, and political philosophy.

Set-up & practicalities

We gather about once a month in Utrecht to discuss a draft paper written by one of the members. All attending are expected to have read the paper. We have a mailing list that all those interested can be added to — just sign-up below. Dates are picked through doodles in which all members of the mailing list can indicate their availability, so ‘getting into the loop’ is easy.