Study group Engineering Ethics (Education and Research)

To register for this group, please contact the study group coordinator through the e-mail below.


Diana Martin (, TU Eindhoven) and Andrea Gammon (, TU Delft)

Topic & aim

The study group Engineering Ethics (Education and Research) aims to bring together experienced as well as novice researchers and teachers in and around the Netherlands who work on engineering ethics education. This includes strategies and approaches for teaching ethics and philosophy to non-philosophy students, empirical and theoretical research in engineering ethics education, and philosophy of education focused on STEM and non-humanities students.

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

  • Topic 1: philosophical and ethical frameworks and topics for teaching STEM students (including value, virtue and emotion based approaches, responsible research and innovation)
  • Topic 2: popular as well as innovative teaching methods for philosophy and ethics in STEM education (i.e. case studies, role-plays, reflections, debates; challenge based learning, value sensitive design, service learning, moral exemplars, ethical decision-making models, ethnographical methods, lifecycle analysis, technological assessment, participatory methods)
  • Topic 3: conducting theoretical or empirical research on the learning goals, teaching, implementation or integration of ethics at course level, institutional level or within the university’s ecosystem
  • Topic 4: insights on how empirical or theoretical research into engineering ethics education can inform philosophical or ethical concepts and concerns (i.e. individual or collective responsibility, environmental ethics; virtue ethics; cross-cultural ethics; philosophy of emotions)

Members are invited to bring new topics or texts up for group discussion.

The goal of the group is to convene periodically to read and discuss relevant literature, share experiences of teaching and research in engineering ethics research and education, and explore opportunities for cooperation, joint activities, or initiatives.

Set-up & practicalities

The study group Engineering Ethics (Education and Research) aims to bring together experienced as well as novice researchers and teachers in and around the Netherlands who work on engineering ethics education. This includes strategies and approaches for teaching ethics and philosophy to non-philosophy students, empirical and theoretical research in engineering ethics education, and philosophy of education focused on STEM and non-humanities students.

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

  • Topic 1: philosophical and ethical frameworks and topics for teaching STEM students (including value, virtue and emotion based approaches, responsible research and innovation)
  • Topic 2: popular as well as innovative teaching methods for philosophy and ethics in STEM education (i.e. case studies, role-plays, reflections, debates; challenge based learning, value sensitive design, service learning, moral exemplars, ethical decision-making models, ethnographical methods, lifecycle analysis, technological assessment, participatory methods)
  • Topic 3: conducting theoretical or empirical research on the learning goals, teaching, implementation or integration of ethics at course level, institutional level or within the university’s ecosystem
  • Topic 4: insights on how empirical or theoretical research into engineering ethics education can inform philosophical or ethical concepts and concerns (i.e. individual or collective responsibility, environmental ethics; virtue ethics; cross-cultural ethics; philosophy of emotions)

Members are invited to bring new topics or texts up for group discussion.

The goal of the group is to convene periodically to read and discuss relevant literature, share experiences of teaching and research in engineering ethics research and education, and explore opportunities for cooperation, joint activities, or initiatives.