F.A. Muller
Cognition (EEC), which is a distinct way of thinking about human cognition (how and why
humans act intelligently and acquire knowlegde, and under what conditions the acquisition of knowledgde is possible). Radical forms of EEC departs from the assumption that all forms of cognition need to be accounted for in terms of representations of (parts of) the world. Such forms of EEC attempt to explain and understand at least some human
intelligent activities without appealing to the concept of representation and any sibling
concepts. Whereas in traditional epistemology the disembodied mind was central, which
tries to justify its beliefs, in EEC the body-with-mind, interacting with an environment,
occupies centre stage. Radical Enactivism is the most radical variety of EEC, as it
attempts to account for all cognition without invoking any content-carrying representations other than public ones, like maps and symbols (e.g. words).
In the background is a project of Myin and Muller (see below), funded jointly by FWO
and NWO, called Getting Real about Words and Numbers. An Enactive Approach to
Language and Mathematics (Dutch: Woorden en Getallen zonder Franje. Een Enactieve
Benadering van Taal en Wiskunde), which homes in on the acquisition of linguistic and
mathematical capacities and knowledge, which arguably pose the greatest challenges to
Enactivism. The project will run for four years (2015–2019).
Two-monthly gatherings with discussion of literature in the morning, and workshop with
talks and presentations in the afternoom, beginning in the year 2015, alternating between
Antwerpen and Rotterdam. The Myin-Muller project will organise at least two conferences
on Enactivism, one in Antwerpen and one in Rotterdam.
This study group uses and this web page as means of communication.