The group aims at bringing together PhD students and post-doc researchers working in analytical philosophy (senior researchers are, however, also welcome).



Chairman: Herman Philipse, convener: Daan Dronkers ().

Topic & aim

The aim of this seminar is twofold. First, to bring together Ph.D. students and post-doc researchers in analytic philosophy in order to let them take advantage of each other’s expertise concerning recent developments in metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, and ethics, and second, to create and maintain academic relationships with leading analytic philosophers all over the world. In order to reach this goal, foreign scholars will be invited incidentally for lectures and small colloquia will be organized.

This OZSW study group originally started as the Dutch Research Seminar for Analytic Philosophy, which was first organized in October 2003.

Set-up & practicalities

1. Structure
Each meeting an excellent article or chapter, published during the last two years, a groundbreaking article, published during the last five years or so, or a paper / dissertation chapter of one of the participants is discussed. At the beginning of each meeting the author or presenter gives a short introduction to the paper in question by providing

(a) a brief abstract of the article,
(b) some critical remarks on the paper, and
(c) three crucial questions for discussion, possibly accompanied by controversial theses.

This short introduction is followed by a brief evaluation of the text by all participants (both as regards its contents and its presentation) and an in-depth-discussion page by page. The participants in the seminar are expected to attend most, preferably all of the meetings, and to prepare the paper discussions thoroughly.

2. Times and locations
Those participating in the seminar meet the second Wednesday of each month, except for July and August.

3. For presenters
Those presenting a paper are expected to send the text at least ten days in advance to Annelli Janssen, the coordinator of the seminar, so that the paper can be distributed in time.