To register for this group, please contact the study group coordinator through the e-mail below.


Marc Davidson ()

Topic & aim

The study group Environmental Philosophy aims to bring together ethicists and philosophers in the Netherlands and Flanders who deal with environmental issues. Research subjects include e.g.:

  • Intergenerational and international justice, and our duties towards the non-human world.
  • Climate change, the loss of biodiversity, ecosystems and landscapes, nuclear energy, and genetically-modified organisms.
  • Conceptions of and attitudes towards nature, and fundamental origins of our ecological crisis.
  • Conceptual analysis of sustainability and sustainable development.

Goal is to further the environmental debate, to help develop joint activities and to explore opportunities for international cooperation.

Set-up & practicalities

The study group convenes every 2 months at Utrecht University for a 2-3 hour meeting, generally started by a presentation by one of its members. Activities of the study group include the organization of:

  • A national symposium (once a year) for a broad audience, the ‘Dag van de milieufilosofie’.
  • The ‘Wouter Achterberg award’ (once every two years) for the best master thesis on the subject of environmental philosophy or animal ethics written by a student from the Netherlands or Flanders.
  • PhD-courses in Environmental philosophy and Ethics under the umbrella of the OZSW.


No upcoming activities.