Academic Philosophy Events in the Netherlands

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Workshop on “Exploring Values in Technology Across Methods and Disciplines”

We are pleased to invite you to participate in an upcoming workshop exploring the empirical pursuits of studying values on October 31 - November 1, 2019 at TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands.  Technological advancement, along with the many benefits, simultaneously changes the societal canvas, at individual, institutional and legal levels. Digital technologies defy barriers of … Continue reading Workshop on “Exploring Values in Technology Across Methods and Disciplines”

Phenomenology and Aesthetics Workshop

Along with the OZSW Phenomenology Study Group, the Philosophy Department of Tilburg University is hosting a one-day workshop on Phenomenology and Aesthetics. The morning session will consist of work-in-progress papers from PhD and early-career researchers, and the afternoon session will comprise of a keynote lecture and reading group, led by our invited speaker Arthur Cools … Continue reading Phenomenology and Aesthetics Workshop

OZSW Moral Psychology Study Group Meeting with Alessandra Tanesini

The next meeting of the OZSW Moral Psychology Study Group will be at Tilburg University Room DZ08 on December 11th. Our special guest for this meeting is Professor Alessandra Tanesini from Cardiff University who talk about Intellectual Character Virtues and Attitudes (abstract below). We will also have three talks from three PhD students who are members of … Continue reading OZSW Moral Psychology Study Group Meeting with Alessandra Tanesini


Workshop parental justice

Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg, The Netherlands Tilburg, The Netherlands, Tilburg, North Brabant, The Netherlands

Location: Tilburg University, Dante Building, room DZ005   Date and time: Tuesday the 7th of January 2020, 13:00 – 15:00   Program: 13:00 – 14:00 ‘The Roles of Fair Play and Parental Justice’, Serena Olsaretti (ICREA – UPF) Commentator: Jeffrey Moriarty (Bentley University)   14:00 – 15:00 ‘The Best Available Parent’, Anca Gheaus (UPF) Commentator: Tim Meijers (Leiden … Continue reading Workshop parental justice


Workshop on Energy Systems and Changing Values

We invite contributions to a workshop on Energy Systems and Changing Values to be held from 15 to 17 October 2020 in Delft, The Netherlands. People interested in contributing to the workshop are requested to submit a 300-word abstract to  before 1 June 2020. Selected authors are requested to send a draft paper of 3000 to 5000 words before 1 September 2020. At the workshop, we will discuss the draft papers of the various contributors. On the basis of a selection of the contributions to the workshop, we will compose a special issue of the journal Science, Technology & Human Values. 

Philosophy&Psychiatry: Virtual meeting November 25th 2020

Due to the corona situation, our (bi-)monthly  sessions on Philosophy & Psychiatry take place online. On Wednesday the 25th of November, from 19:00 to 20:00, we'll have a presentation from Sander Voerman of the Redesigning Psychiatry project. Below is an abstract to his talk. If you wish to join, please contact Roy Dings ( He'll send … Continue reading Philosophy&Psychiatry: Virtual meeting November 25th 2020

PhD defence “Morals for the Mighty: Political legitimacy as impact on sustainable development”

Aula Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam

We are governed. Every day. All the time. Our food, our clothes, our transportation, our houses, our families, our jobs … There is scarcely any aspect of life that modern states do not regulate or influence in one way or another. State power is pervasive. Moreover, it is non-voluntary and expensive. The big question is: … Continue reading PhD defence “Morals for the Mighty: Political legitimacy as impact on sustainable development”

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About the OZSW event calendar

The OZSW event calendar lists academic philosophy events organized by/at Dutch universities, and is offered by the OZSW as a service to the research community. Please check the event in question – through their website or organizer – to find out if you could participate and whether registration is required. Obviously we carry no responsibility for non-OZSW events.