To register for this group, please contact the study group coordinator through the e-mail below.
To register for this group, please contact the study group coordinator through the e-mail below.
This study group aims to create and support an interdisciplinary platform for the study of philosophy and psychiatry. Experts from different areas of research will be brought together in order to pursue and further develop new perspectives on the interface between these disciplines. To facilitate dialogue and establish a productive atmosphere for the exchange of ideas, the study group will focus on crossovers between the philosophy of mind and psychiatry. The following topics are considered of particular interest: (i) the nature and taxonomy of mental disorder, (ii) enactive and phenomenological approaches to psychopathology, (iii) hermeneutical versus causal approaches to explanation in psychiatry, (iv) the role of the self in mental illness, therapy and disease management, (v) patient autonomy and decision making competency, (vi) social cognition in psychopathology and psychotherapy.
Each expert meeting, 2 members present their work (in progress) related to the topics mentioned above. Alternatively, we discuss an important recently published paper within the area of interest, in which case the paper will be distributed to all the members a week in advance. The study group convenes every 3 months, alternatively at the VU Amsterdam and RU Nijmegen.