
Dr. Alfred Archer (Tilburg University):

Aldo Houterman (Erasmus University Rotterdam):

Topic & aim

This study group aims to promote the philosophy of sports as growing and independent philosophical discipline. Since its inception, less than hundred years ago, the philosophy of sport has been a sub discipline of different philosophical currents, such as ethics, aesthetics, body phenomenology and, more recently, gender studies. Since about two decades, the philosophy of sports is growing fastly into a philosophical discipline which attracts attention worldwide. This international growth raises the question whether the philosophy of sports can develop into an indepent philosophical discipline, wit hits own questions and methods. The current study group aims to develop further and expand this young discipline, i.e., develop it as a serious philosophical discipline and part of the philosophical curricula in The Netherlands, and add to its further international development. It aims to do so by 1) the serious study and production of scientific, scholarly questions, debates, methods and output; 2) the intensive, intellectual exchange via the regular gathering of scholars in this discpline; 3) reinforcing the visibility of this discipline and its members in The Netherlands and Flandres.

Set-up & practicalities

We convene 4-5 times a year to discuss each other’s work and recent, international publications in the field, conferences etc. We further aim to organize an annual expert meeting, workshop or conference and an annual OZSW Conference panel.


No upcoming activities.