
Carlo Ierna ()

Topic & aim

The goal of this study group is to bring together students and researchers interested in philosophy around 1900, to let them profit from each other’s expertise. The period is to be taken very broadly, from the mid 1800s to WW2, with no restriction on topics or authors. The period encopasses everything from the fall of German Idealism, through the rise of neokantianism and phenomenology, to the early analytics and the continental drift.

Set-up & practicalities

Due to the great diversity of topics and authors, instead of regular meetings, in the past year the group has organized a workshop.

A separate sub-group on the history of phenomenology started 13-01-2014 as a reading group and convenes regularly twice a month in Utrecht. In the second semester of 2013/2014 we have read basic texts from Edmund Husserl’s works:

  • The treatise on “Intentional Objects”
  • Chapter 1 & 2 from the V Logical Investigation
  • The Seefelder manuscript from 1905
  • Selections from the Logic lectures from 1906/07
  • Selections from the Five lectures on the Idea of Phenomenology

This  year we will continue our close-reading group with selections from “Philosophy as a Rigorous Science” and “Ideas I” (especially regarding the phenomenological reduction and the noema).