Han van Ruler new OZSW director

Per 1 February 2014 Ingrid Robeyns will step down as OZSW director, as she has accepted a position at the Philosophy Department at Utrecht University. The OZSW congratulates Ingrid on her new position, and is sad to see her go. Ingrid has made an invaluable contribution to getting the OZSW up and running – with success. She will retain her other function in the OZSW as chair of the Section Committee Ethics and Practical Philosophy.
The Board of the OZSW has found an excellent replacement in Han van Ruler (vanruler@fwb.eur.nl), Professor of Intellectual History of the Renaissance and the Baroque. In addition to becoming the new OZSW director, Han will also take over from Paul Ziche as chair of the Section Committee History of Philosophy – as Paul has decided to step down. The OZSW thanks Paul as well for his contribution to the OZSW.
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