Empirical political philosophy: when political theorists meet social scientists
Recent discussions in political theory/philosophy have brought new vigour to questions about the role of empirical research for achieving normative and conceptual arguments (e.g. Herzog and Zacka 2019, Longo and Zacka 2019, Zacka et al. 2021). Simultaneously, scholars outside of philosophy have conducted empirical studies of key concepts of political theory/philosophy, such as politics and democracy. See e.g. discussions between Latour, De Vries, and Marres, and a recent volume focused entirely on the empirical study of what they call ‘democratic situations’ (Birkbak and Papazu, 2022). This workshop seeks to tap into the rich potential for cross-fertilization between a range of approaches that share an interest in connecting empirical and philosophical/theoretical work.
Organisers: Gijs van Maanen (Tilburg University), Janosch Prinz (Maastricht University), and OZSW Study Group in Political Philosophy coordinators Uğur Aytaç (Utrecht University) and Josette Daemen (Leiden University)
Primary target group | |
If places available also open to | |
Type of activity | Study group meeting |
Certificate credit points | |
Organizer | Gijs van Maanen |
Location | |
Date | November 8, 2024 @ 13:00 |
Venue | Utrecht University |
13:00-13:15 | Gijs van Maanen (Tilburg University) & Janosch Prinz (Maastricht University) | Introduction |
13:15-13:40 | Maud Oostindie (Maastricht University) | Thick Descriptions and Meaningmaking: Ethnographic Methods in Political Theory |
13:40-14:05 | Catherine Koekoek (Erasmus University Rotterdam) | On Speaking Many Tongues. Practice-based Philosophy as Critical Translation |
14:05-14:30 | Martijn Vos (VU Amsterdam) | Agonistic Theatre Dialogues |
14:30-14:45 | – | Break |
14:45-15:10 | Marian Counihan (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) | Democracy in Space: The Case for Engaging with Geographers |
15:10-15:35 | Thomas Fossen (Leiden University) | Allies and Amplifiers: Why Academic Climate Activism Does Not Depend on One’s Area of Expertise |
15:35-15:50 | – | Break |
15:50-17:00 | All participants | Guided discussion on opportunities for cross-fertilization between political theory and empirical social science |
You are warmly invited to attend this event. Space for participants is limited, though, so if you would like to attend we kindly ask you to register by sending an email to Gijs van Maanen () by Thursday 31 October. If the number of people registering exceeds the room capacity, priority will be given to OZSW members.
Name | Gijs van Maanen |