Study Group meeting Classical German Idealism and its Relevance


SYMPOSIUM: The Concept of Reason in German Idealism

Practical information

Primary target group All
If places available also open to
Type of activity Study Group meeting
Certificate credit points
Organizer OZSW Study Group Classical German Idealism and its Relevance / Klassiek Duits Idealisme en haar Actualiteit
Location De Boelelaan 1105
Date February 5 @ 13:00
Venue Main building 1D-Forum 3 (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


13:00 Welcome by Christian Krijnen

13:15 Diogo Ferrer (Coimbra): The Transformation of Reason: On System, Myth, and History in German Idealism (45 min. presentation, 15 min discussion)

14:15 Ariën Voogt (Utrecht): How to exceed the bounds of pure reason? The problem of Schelling’s ecstasy of reason (30 min presentation, 15 min. discussion)

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Christian Krijnen (Amsterdam): The Beginning of Philosophy as the End of Metaphysical and Transcendental Idealism (30 min presentation, 15 min. discussion)

16:15 Vittorio Alves (Leuven): The Modality of Beginnings and the Historicity of Reason: Fichte and Schelling on How to Start Philosophizing  (30 min presentation, 15 min. discussion)

17:00 End of Symposium

Preparation and assessment


Costs and registration

The meeting is freely accessible, no registration necessary, be welcome!

Contact information

Name OZSW Study Group Classical German Idealism and its Relevance / Klassiek Duits Idealisme en haar Actualiteit