Mind & Culture


The course will explore the various ways in which culture shapes our minds. Amongst other things, we will discuss:

  • processes of cultural evolution
  • mindshaping or ‘regulative’ approaches to folk psychology
  • the presumed universality of the belief-desire-intention model
  • anthropological studies of cultural differences in folk psychological concepts
  • methodological questions: how to study the impact of culture on mind?

This course thus aims to show how cultural processes shape our minds, and to discuss the importance of insights in cultural diversity and cultural processes for the philosophy of mind & cognition.

Practical information

Primary target group PhD Candidates and ReMA students
If places available also open to Postdocs
Type of activity Course
Certificate credit points 5 ECTS
Organizer Radboud University (Prof. dr. Marc Slors)
Date March 12 @ 13:00


The program consists of 6 sessions (one session every two weeks), with three sessions taking place at Radboud University and three sessions at Utrecht University.

  • Wednesday January 29, 13.00-15.00 (Radboud University, room tba)
  • Wednesday February 12, 13.00-15.00 (Radboud University, room tba)
  • Wednesday February 26, 13.00-15.00 (Radboud University, room tba)
  • Wednesday March 12, 13.00-15.00 (Utrecht University, Drift 6, room 0.07)
  • Wednesday March 26, 13.00-15.00 (Utrecht University, Drift 6, room 0.07)
  • Wednesday April 9, 13.00-15.00 (Utrecht University, Drift 6, room 0.07)

Preparation and assessment

Required preparation: readings & participation

Costs and registration


  • Free for ReMA students who are a member of the OZSW and/or another research school in the Humanities (LOGOS)
  • Free for PhD candidates who are a member of the OZSW and/or another research school in the Humanites (LOGOS);
  • All others pay a tuition fee of 300 euros.

How to register:

Registration will open in October.

The registration deadline is January 8, 2025. If registration has been closed because the maximum amount of participants has been reached, you can submit your name to the waiting list by sending an email to . Please also indicate whether you are a ReMA student or PhD candidate and whether you are a member of the OZSW or not.

The OZSW registration and cancellation policy applies to this activity (to be found here).

Contact information

Name Radboud University (Prof. dr. Marc Slors)