2017 Conference – List of accepted papers

Keynote speakers

  • Christof Rapp (Munich)
  • Henry S. Richardson (Georgetown)
  • Åsa Wikforss (Stockholm)

Accepted symposia

Do We Find Truth Through Fiction ? Arthur Cools, Leen Verheyen, Gert-Jan van der Heiden and Sanem Yazıcıoğlu
The Value of Indian Philosophy for Education: what is conventional truth? Chiara Robbiano, Douglas Berger, Lucas den Boer and Agnieszka Rostalska
Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs Dan Zeman, Bianca Cepollaro, Teresa Marques
Symposium on ‘Navigational Agency: A Capability Theory of Justice’ by Rutger Claassen Huub Brouwer, Rutger Claassen, Martin van Hees, Christine Straehle, Thomas Nys, Jojanneke Vanderveen
Varieties of Power Jesse Mulder, Niels van Miltenburg,  Dawa Ometto and Victor Gijsbers
Pluralism about biological classification and individuation:  limitations and opportunities Joeri Witteveen, David Ludwig, Eva Boon and Olivier Lemeire
Convention, coordination and commitment Marc Slors, Julian Kiverstein and Bart Geurts
Where was I while I wasn’t there? Monica Meijsing, Maureen Sie, Katrien Schaubroeck, Leon de Bruin, Jenny Slatman, Sanneke de Haan
Symposium on “Risk, Technology, and Moral Emotions”, authored by professor Roeser; with commentaries from the perspective of meta ethics, emotion research, moral psychology, and philosophy of risk Neelke Doorn, Katrien Schaubroeck, Mark Alfano, Sven Nyholm, Sabine Roeser
Challenging Grand Narratives Paolo Rossini, Laura Georgescu and Andrea Sangiacomo
Business Ethics Symposium Thomas Wells, Boudewijn De Bruin, Frank Hindriks, Wim Dubbink and Teunis Brand

Accepted spotlight talks

What is a hard choice? Akshath Jitendranath
“Attacker threatens Victim”: The Revisionist Myth and the Ethics of War Amanda Cawston
Nudging and Autonomy Bart Engelen and Thomas Nys
Bridging the Transparency Gap: Information fiduciaries for digital health systems Chirag Arora
A new debunking argument: The argument from inconsistent variability Elizabeth O’Neill
Location, location, location: Not much help for infinite ethics Hayden Wilkinson
An Argument for Desert and Against Luck Egalitarianism Huub Brouwer and Thomas Mulligan
Fake News Epistemology Jeroen de Ridder
Truth-Maker Bayesianism. Theory and Applications Johannes Korbmacher
Measuring social norms in economics. A philosophy of science perspective Juliette de Wit and Chiara Lisciandra
Moral Responsibility for Implicit Bias: Discussing Stereotypes and Prejudices Maureen Sie
The Distinctiveness of Whistleblowing Michele Bocchiola
Disrespect by Presumptuous Inference: Identification, Analysis, and Context Owen King
The Dispositional Theory of Concepts Samuel Taylor
Robotization/Automation of the Workplace and the Future of Meaningful Work Sven Nyholm
Spinoza’s Definitions; Nominal, Real, and Genetic Tomoko Higuchi

Accepted papers and posters

On Kant’s Diverse Notions of Cognition Alan Daboin
When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral Alfred Archer and Benjamin Matheson
Individual Contributions to Collectively Caused Harm: How Important is the Outcome? Anne Polkamp
Explicating political visions in Indian micro-grids Auke Pols
The Recognitive Function of Explicit Expressions of Belief Blaise Prentice-Davidson
Self-rationalizing Belief: Evidentialism or Pragmatism Boudewijn de Bruin and Nikolaj Nottelmann
Why nudism should be allowed in all public areas (and what if it isn’t) Bouke de Vries
The Gestalt of a Round Square: 
Producing Impossible Objects in the Psychological Laboratory Carlo Ierna
The Secret Life of Events Carlo Rossi
Immanent Properties and their Locations Carlo Rossi
Love at the evolutionary roots of morality Carme Isern-Mas and Katrien Schaubroeck
Ideal Theory for Consequentialists Christian Tarsney
Correcting incoherent pairs of credences Colin Elliot
The Truth in the Acquaintance Principle Daan Evers
Real and fictional individuals: perceptions against assumptions Dima Neiaglov
Reality of Borders – Carl Schmitt’s View Dusan Dostanic
Grasping-Why Emily Sullivan
Aristotle’s Principle of Opposites Emma Cohen de Lara
Metaethics, Applied Ethics, and Moral Irrelevance Erik Kassenberg
The transformative dialogue as the core of an alternative Moral Theory Florian Bekkers
Space, group and self. Social niche and collective construction of personal identities. Francesco Consiglio
How to Play the Blame Game: A Theory of Rationalization Frank Hindriks
The Causal Exclusion Parable Frank van Caspel
The Argument from Agreement Hanno Sauer
Epistemology of the self Hans Van Eyghen
Scoring Soul: How Credit Systems Threaten Citizenship in the Age of Big Data? Hao Wang
Team reasoning and participatory intentions Hein Duijf
Metaphors for the practical relation of ourselves to ourselves Henk van Gils
Self-Ascription and Singular Thought Henry Schiller
Do moral realists really have an advantage when it comes to objectivity? Herman Veluwenkamp
Tracing back Moral Responsibility for Outcomes Jan Broersen
Doing Critical Theory with Luhmann’s Systems Theory Jan Overwijk
Avoiding Complicity Jan Willem Wieland and Rutger van Oeveren
Political legitimacy as a prescriptive concept Jojanneke Vanderveen
Functionless Desert Landscapes Jonathan Shaheen
Cavendish on Causation Jonathan Shaheen
Explanations as Narratives Jonathan Shaheen
Two challenges to human rights Jos Philips
A Wittgensteinian Response to Moral Error Theory Julia Hermann and Wouter Kalf
De Dicto, de Re, de Traditione: Some Considerations about Robert Brandom’s Inferentialist Account of Interpretation Marcello Ruta
Ethical dilemmas of the developing technique of recording and reviewing neonatal resuscitation Maria den Boer, Mirjam Houtlosser and Arjan Te Pas
Virtue in Nietzsche’s drive psychology Mark Alfano
Starting in the Middle and Perspectival Realism Martin Lipman
Kant, Moral Over-Demandingness, and Self-Scrutiny Martin Sticker
The Role of Tradition in the Capability Approach Matthias Kramm
The Acceptability and Probability of the Indicative Conditionals Michał Sikorski
Persuading the Vulnerable, An exploration of the ethical concerns arising with persuasive technologies for health-related behavior change for vulnerable people Naomi Jacobs
Necessity by Accident Nathan Wildman
Distributive fairness and the global economy Nina van Heeswijk
P Addiction Noah van Dongen
The Dependence between the Ethical and Evidential Standards of Behavioral Public Policies Osman Caglar Dede
Is electronic coaching (softly) paternalistic? Philip Nickel and Lily Frank
Democratic Representation Reappraised: Situating Representation through Sortition in Pierre Rosanvallon’s ‘Democracy of Appropriation’ Piet Wiersma
Can Trust Be Voluntary? Rik Peels
The Heideggerian Artist Rose Trappes
Alienation in Commercial Society: The Republican Perspective of Rousseau and Ferguson Rudmer Bijlsma
A Formal Approach to Frankfurt-style Cases Sander Beckers
Personal Identity Without Moral Responsibility? Sebastian Köhler
The Riddle of Life and Death: An Interpretation on the Relation between Some Presocratic Fragments and the Vase Paintings in the Dark Ages Shunning Wang
Naive Russellians and the Goldbach Puzzle Stefan Rinner
Fairness and Indivisibility Stefan Wintein and Conrad Heilmann
Gaps and Gluts in Social Reality Thomas Brouwer
Migration as a meta-human right Thomas Wells
The Moral Capacities of the Idividual and the Social Self Udo Pesch
On the Causal Nature of Time Victor Gijsbers
“Why be moral?” Scanlon on Morality and Normativity Victor Mardellat
The Sense and Nonsense of Tracing in Theories of Moral Responsibility Wessel van Dommelen
Are Epistemically Circular Arguments Fallacies? Wouter Bisschop


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